Shibadan Hardwood Lumber



Wood Appearance - Shibadan heartwood is tan to rose-red, often streaked with purple or brown and becoming brownish-yellow to medium brown on exposure. Sapwood is yellowish and paler than the heartwood, but not sharply demarcated. The grain is straight to irregular. Texture is fine and uniform.


Physical Properties - Shibadan is a hard and strong timber. Bending strength is medium and crushing strength high. Weight: Air-dry weight is about 53 lb/ft3 (850 kg/m3) when air-dry. Specific Gravity: Air-dry wood averages about .83 based on air-dry volume and weight, and averages .70 based on green volume and oven-dry weight.


Natural Durability - Shibadan heartwood is moderately resistant to decay in contact with the ground and moderately resistant to insect attack.


Timber Processing - Seasoning: Shibadan dries without difficulty. Kiln Schedule E. Working/Machining: Easy to work. Assembly: Finishing:


Preservation -  The heartwood is extremely resistant to preservative treatment. The sapwood is permeable.


Assembly - Glues easily but hard to nail.


Finishing - Finishes well. Takes staining and polishing satisfactorily.


Uses - Shibadan is a good general purpose wood suitable for construction work requiring strength and durability and could also be useful for exterior joinery. Shibadan is also suitable for paneling, turnery, and furniture manufacturing.


Availability - Occurs frequently in Guyana forest. Regular supplies are available.


Warehouse Contacts:


Guyana - 011-592-661-3019

Barbados -

Duncan, South Carolina, USA -

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada - 1-519-574-0038