Mora Hardwood Lumber



Wood Appearance - Mora heartwood varies from chocolate-brown to reddish brown. Sapwood has yellowish to pale brown color. The grain is straight to commonly interlocked, very variable and often has attractive bird’s-eye, wavy, or sometimes ribbon-grain figures.


Physical Properties - Mora is a very heavy and very hard wood. It has outstanding strength properties, and is particularly resistant to wear.


Natural Durability - Mora heartwood is a durable timber. Mora is susceptible to damage by marine borers, but very resistant to dry-wood termites and other insects. Mora is also remarkably fire resistant.


Timber Processing - Mora is difficult to season. Drying must be slow and carried out in a careful manner because of risk of distortion and checking.


Working/Machining - Difficult to saw, because of its density and interlocked grain. With the same qualification it can be planed, easily turned, and splits with great difficulty.


Preservation - Extremely resistant to preservative treatments.


Assembly - Difficult to nail, but holds nails and rail spikes well. Preboring is necessary.


Finishing - Mora will finish smoothly. It will also stain and polish satisfactorily.


Uses - Being hard, tough, heavy, and strong Mora timber has many uses. Best suited for heavy construction work, jetties, bridge timber, house framing, bridge decking, heavy-duty industrial flooring, and planking. It is also particularly suitable for railroad cross-ties.


Availability - Very common in Guyana. Abundant and regular supplies assured.


Warehouse Contacts:


Guyana - 011-592-661-3019

Barbados -

Duncan, South Carolina, USA -

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada - 1-519-574-0038